Keys and readers
Personal-identification code readers are used by the access control system for information receipt about the identifier’s user. This information is transmitted to the system’s controller which firstly decides to give or to deny the access to the object, and then, secondly controls the actuating device and transmits interpreted information to the general computer or to the centralized security controller. Only correct information reading from magnetic or chip card of the electronic key or key board concerns the reader’s function.
There is a broad variety of ID readers in access control system. For every specific situation this or that variant of the reader is justified. The system’s users get special keys, which let them identify their personalities promptly and safely and get access to the controlled object in correspondence with their authorities. The construction and version of the key can differ a lot depending upon the type of the ID reader.
One of the widely-spread variants of the readers is information reading device from the magnetic cards similar to the banking ones. This safe and yearly tested information reading system can be used in any access control systems. Besides, the readers of magnetic cards have slight demerit – they need direct contact with the magnetic card for identification. Contactless readers of chip-cards or used as keys radio-breloques do not have this demerit. In this and another cases the ID process is fulfilled while moving, without any necessity of the card or breloques show.
Very simple and quite complicated information reading systems exist. In access control system installed on the front doors of many enterprises readers of electronic keys-pellets are utilized. On the objects with high requirements towards security matter quite complicated information reading systems – microphones for voice identification, fingerprints’ or even amphiblestrodes’ scanners can be used. But the essence of the reader remains the same – safe identification of the access control system’s user.