Welded Panels and Piranha Razor Mesh Fence

Technical Characteristics
Fence height, mm, up to 2430
Razor mesh height, mm, up to 2700
Length of one section, mm 2500
Diameter of the mesh wire, mm 5 and 6
Grid cell size, mm 50 x 200

Fence Made of Panels and Razor Mesh

The fence made of welded panels and Piranha razor meshT is a very strong and reliable fence of any area and is effective even without additional Egoza razor wire barriers. Such a fence is a fence made of welded panels, on the surface of which Piranha razor mesh is fixed. The fence made of welded panels ensures high strength and reliability of the fence structure, and the Piranha razor mesh performs the functions of a barbed and cutting fence, covering the entire surface of the fence.

Reinforcement of the Fence Structure

If it is necessary to strengthen the protective properties of such a fence, an Egoza flat or concertina barrier can be installed on top of it, which greatly complicates attempts to climb over the fence, and for protection against undermining, Piranha razor mesh, partially buried in the soil, or separate sections of Piranha razor mesh can be used, specially installed below the ground level.

Installation of a Fence Made of Welded Panels and Piranha Razor Mesh

We recommend using the services of our professional installers to install this type of fence. The fact is that the Piranha razor mesh is an extremely dangerous type of razor wire barriers and its installation can only be performed by specialists who have extensive experience working with such a fence. Otherwise, not only poor-quality installation of the fence and Piranha razor mesh is possible, but also numerous serious injuries received by workers during the installation of such a complex protective fence. To get a high-quality fence of the territory and to avoid problems during its installation, it is better to entrust all the work to professionals.