
Egoza-Super trademark

Egoza-Super trademark is registered in Ukraine (Certificate No 139151) and is used by Caiman Production Group for marking, sales and promotion of products according to respective commodity groups specified in Egoza-Super trademark certificates. They include Egoza-Super middle and big cross-section wire-reinforced razor tape, razor wire concertina made of Egoza-Super reinforced barbed tape with big coil’s diameter, as well as other types of obstacles made of Egoza-Super reinforced barbed tape.

Egoza-Super trade mark is used by Caiman Production Group for marking, advertising, and sales of modern, high effective Egoza-Super wire-reinforced barbed tape on the territory of Ukraine. Egoza-Super wire-reinforced barbed tape is manufactured on basis of middle and big core diameters and is used for manufacturing of Egoza-Super razor barbed barriers (Egoza-Super security barrier) with big diameter of spiral coil – up to 2 meters as well as for other high effective types of engineering perimeter protection systems on the basis of Egoza-Super wire.

Legal use of Egoza-Super trademark by Caiman Production Group is proved by respective certificate on Egoza-Super™ issued by patent authority of Ukraine as well as by license agreement provided by Egoza-Super rightholder. Egoza-Super trade mark use for advertising and for appropriate commodity group marking on the on the territory of Ukraine without a written permit of the right holder, without this trademark’s license or certificate shall be regarded as an infringement of the Ukrainian legislation and will be prosecuted by law.