Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier

Egoza-Standard+ flat security barrier

Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier is a universal variant of flat barbed tape obstacle, happy medium of price/efficiency ratio. Egoza-Standard+ flat obstacle could be used for enclosing almost any objects where security requirements are of moderate and high levels. Strength of Egoza-Standard+ barrier is sufficient for protection of majority of urban objects against malefactors’ encroachments. If an object needs higher security level but there is a necessity to use flat barrier, the attention should be paid to Egoza-Super and Caiman flat obstacles as most effective and simultaneously expensive flat obstacles.

Egoza-Standard+ razor-barbed flat barrier is Egoza reinforced barbed tape’s coils in the same plane and fastened in junction places by galvanized flat or round clips. The usage in the construction of Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier of continuous filament of Egoza barbed wire enables to secure ruggedness of protective obstacle with low expenses of its manufacturing.

Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier is manufactured on own facilities of Egoza-Standard+ razor wire 3.75 mm in diameter. Such reinforced barbed tape has ruggedness sufficient for majority of cases of Egoza-Standard+ flat barriers usage on any objects. For fastening of Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier’s coils mainly flat galvanized clips are used though, in some cases round galvanized craps could be also used. Caiman Production Group fulfils mass-production of Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier with coil’s diameter (bandwidth) 600 mm, other dimension-types of Egoza-Standard+ razor-barbed flat barriers can be manufactured according to special order.

To obtain a qualitative and what is big importance for urban objects esthetically looking perimeter engineering security system, the assemblage works of Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier should be trusted to professionals. It will enable creating a truly reliable security system and to avoid unnecessary injuries during Egoza razor wire installation by own efforts. Moreover, the customers ordering our installation of Egoza barbed wire will be provided with warranty both for Egoza-Standard+ razor-barbed flat barrier and for assemblage works.

Patents and certificates

Egoza-Standard+ flat barrier is sold under trademarks (merchandise marks) registered in Ukraine, Russian Federation in Republic of Kazakhstan: